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HairMax Review: Do HairMax’s laser hair regrowth devices work?

We tested HairMax and analyzed the scientific evidence behind its products — learn all the details before you buy.

Last updated: Dec 27th, 2023
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HairMax review

Over half of men by age 49 will experience moderate to significant androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern hair loss. Though men experience hair loss in more significant numbers early in life, female pattern hair loss affects 30 million women in America. For some people, common hair loss medications are not appropriate. Others do not want to take additional medications if it’s avoidable. And that’s where HairMax promises to help.

HairMax offers several different products to help accelerate hair growth and minimize hair loss. While HairMax offers shampoo, haircare lotions, supplements, and more, the main line of HairMax products utilizes low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to achieve its results.

Are its hair loss treatment devices effective? Are they a good value? We thoroughly tested HairMax and analyzed the evidence supporting its treatment methods. You can learn all of the details in this review.

Our Findings

Editor's Rating4.10

HairMax is a reliable company that produces high-end, FDA-cleared products and supplements for treating and preventing hair loss. If you’d prefer not to take medications — or if you’ve tried other products with no success — then HairMax is a reasonable choice to consider. Other laser device manufacturers have similar catalogs, with shampoos, conditioners, and nutritional supplements to support their laser treatments. But HairMax remains one of the few to offer laser treatments from bands and combs — not just caps. That makes it a viable place to get effective technology at lower prices.


  • One of the oldest laser hair loss companies
  • LLLT for hair loss is supported by multiple studies
  • Lasers available in caps, bands, and combs
  • Easy, low-maintenance routine
  • No medications involved
  • Regarded as safe for both men and women
  • Bundles offer good savings opportunities
  • Good return policy for some expensive products
  • 6-month money-back guarantee and free U.S. shipping


  • Caps are a bit more expensive than similar competitors
  • Delayed product launches can significantly impact availability
  • As with other hair loss treatments, effects take time
  • Most competitors offer longer warranties (HairMax offers 1 year)

Purchase options

HairMax sells from its website as well as an Amazon store, and your best choice depends on what you're looking for. If you want the PowerFlex 202 laser cap, you have to buy it on Amazon right now. (The HairMax site actually redirects you.) But the PowerFlex 272 laser cap? You can only buy that on the HairMax website. Current prices for laser products are identical at either place, and so are return policies and warranties. We think you'll have the best experience on the HairMax site, ensuring you see the full line of laser options. For supportive hair care products like Acceler8, try them first via the HairMax website because subscribing there (easy to cancel anytime) lets you save 35% on your first order.

Table of Contents

In this Review

Why you should trust us

At Innerbody Research, we extensively test each health service we review, including HairMax. We conduct expansive study of available scientific literature alongside hands-on testing of hair loss products ranging from laser therapy devices to topical minoxidil, oral medications, and supportive hair care products.

Our team has spent hundreds of hours testing and researching HairMax’s products and services and those of its chief competitors to provide you with a strong knowledge base to make a purchasing decision. Additionally, like all health-related content on this website, this review was thoroughly vetted by one or more members of our Medical Review Board for accuracy.

Over the past two decades, Innerbody Research has helped tens of millions of readers make more informed decisions to live healthier lifestyles.

How we evaluated HairMax

We typically focus on five key criteria when evaluating hair loss products: effectiveness, safety, cost, convenience, and customer service. In HairMax’s case, you’ll see that the company uses technology that has performed extremely well in scientific studies and has a limited side effect profile. What ultimately differentiates HairMax from its competitors is the cost of the devices and the overall customer experience.

Let’s take a closer look at each category to see how HairMax performed.

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Rating: 8.7 / 10

Clinical studies, customer testimonials, and our research all conclude that the technology inside HairMax devices is effective. It takes significant time to show results — upwards of six months for many users — but it eventually gets the job done. You may not end up with the same head of hair you had in high school, but you can stop hair loss and even regrow hair with minimal effort.

Many of the laser caps we've reviewed through the years score well for effectiveness simply because any device that outputs a specific wavelength of light from a certain number of laser diodes ought to be effective. Specifically, around 272 diodes is the standard among top-tier products in these companies' lineups. But HairMax offers something that few other hair loss companies have: LLLT devices in the form of bands and combs.

While using a comb is a little more labor-intensive than using a band or a cap, both the bands and combs have a noteworthy advantage for potential users who still have a fair amount of hair on their heads. That advantage comes from the teeth, essentially small plastic prongs on the devices that help get your hair out of the way so that a laser's light can reach your scalp. This feature might not make a difference for men and women who've been shaving their heads since they started going bald. But for those who are just beginning to notice hair loss and want to get ahead of it, those teeth are a smart design feature that can help.


Rating: 8.1 / 10

So far, it seems that low-level laser treatment for hair loss is quite safe. There are occasional reports of scalp irritation, but the lasers can’t burn you. There’s also an increased risk if you have an especially sensitive scalp or have unidentified lesions there (identified lesions are also a hazard, of course, but you can talk to your doctor to see if LLLT is still advisable in your situation).

The devices may pose a hazard to vision, especially if kids get their hands on them, but if you keep them safely stored away between uses, you should be fine. Some competing devices from companies like Capillus and Kiierr have sensors built into their laser arrays that prevent the cap from firing until it’s on your head. We’ve tested these sensors in person, and they work well. We’ve also had the displeasure of looking directly into a laser cap as it fired, and we don’t recommend it.

All that said, there is little clinical evidence regarding long-term exposure to these laser wavelengths. Photobiomodulation at different wavelengths has been employed as a pain management tool since the 1970s. And that research hasn’t revealed any long-term effects. But until more research specific to a laser hair loss device comes in, we have to keep our rating where it is.


Rating: 7.2 / 10

There’s no sugar-coating the fact that these devices are expensive. Laser caps, in particular, have prices approaching $3,000. But for men and women experiencing significant hair loss, these caps can be extremely helpful. You can also compare the money spent on pharmaceutical interventions over the course of months and years to the one-time cost of a laser cap, and those prices become less painful. And while HairMax’s laser caps fall in the middle of the market’s price range (between $1,600 and $1,900), its other laser products — namely, its LaserCombs and LaserBands — have a lower barrier to entry.

We've been anticipating the release of a new model from HairMax for over four months, and in that time, neither the old PowerFlex 272 nor the new one has been made available. The HairMax prices in this chart are the last known prices for either product, but we’ve included the specs for the upcoming model we got from HairMax.

Here’s a quick look at HairMax’s laser caps in comparison with its top competitors:

Laser diode count
Treatment time
Treatment frequency
Battery life
Warranty length
Growth guarantee
Kiierr 272 Premier
30 minutes
Alternating days
5-7 sessions
2 years
7 months
Kiierr 272 MD
30 minutes
Alternating days
8-10 sessions
2 years
7 months
Capillus PRO
6 minutes
4-5 sessions
2 years
6 months
Capillus PRO S1
6 minutes
4-5 sessions
2 years
6 months
Capillus PLUS
6 minutes
4-5 sessions
2 years
6 months
HairMax PowerFlex Laser Cap 202
15-30 minutes
2-3 sessions
1 year
6 months
HairMax Powerflex Laser Cap 272
7 minutes
2-3 sessions
1 year
6 months
LaserCap HD
30 minutes
Alternating days
4-5 sessions
3 years
12 months
LaserCap HD+
30 minutes
Alternating days
4-5 sessions
3 years
12 months
Illumiflow 272
30 minutes
Alternating days
3-4 sessions
2 years
12 months
Illumiflow 272 MD
7 minutes
3-4 sessions
2 years
12 months

We might have been able to give HairMax a slightly better rating here, especially considering the availability and low prices of its laser combs. But HairMax’s laser caps land in the middle of the pack for price among caps with 272 or 202 diodes. Kiierr and Illumiflow both have 272-diode caps that sell for less than HairMax’s PowerFlex 272, and Kiierr’s MD model boasts superior features. Meanwhile, the Capillus PLUS (202 diodes) sells for about the same as the PowerFlex 202 but offers shorter session times and a longer warranty. If you’re trying to decide, we recommend you visit our comprehensive guide to the best laser caps to learn more about how the products compare.


Rating: 7.8 / 10

While the combs and bands offer customers potential savings on laser treatment compared to caps, they don’t provide the same convenience as the cap experience. With a laser cap, you can usually put it on your head and walk around the house, generally forgetting it’s on. Some caps, like those from Kiierr, come with additional elastic headbands you can integrate with the cap to ensure a secure fit, even if you were to do a quick handstand or nod vigorously when someone asked you if your laser treatment was working (HairMax caps do not come with those elastic materials).

The HairMax LaserBands 41 and 82 will fit some users nicely but will rest precariously on the heads of others. Fortunately, these bands offer the fastest treatment times of any laser device on the market, at just 90 seconds for a global application with the 81. The combs, however, require a longer time investment and are more cumbersome to operate. Sessions last 8-11 minutes, and you have to hold the comb to the treatment area manually, which can be difficult for some users.

When there are well-priced caps out there that can compete with the most expensive of HairMax’s combs and bands and offer more convenience, it might make more sense for many customers to seek those caps. Kiierr’s lineup — especially its refurbished lineup — offers significant savings for caps we regard highly.

HairMax’s laser caps also have worst-in-class battery life, offering just 2-3 sessions per charge when you can get up to five sessions from Capillus and up to ten sessions from some Kiierr models.

Customer Service

Rating: 8.2 / 10

HairMax offers a useful and responsive live chat feature to answer most questions. This is relatively typical of the industry, but we’ve also found that the company’s phone support is among the most knowledgeable, responsive, and eager to help, even with complicated product questions. Our testers spent a lot of time discussing the upgrades intended for the new PowerFlex 272, which transitions the cap from a regimen of 30 minutes thrice weekly to just seven minutes thrice weekly.

Company reps were as helpful as they could be regarding the company's upgrading process, which has been taking quite a while. The result is a pair of pages for the company’s two laser caps that either list the product as sold out (the 272) or redirect you to Amazon to purchase (the 202). Fortunately, that link takes you to the listing from HairMax’s official Amazon store, so purchases there will still be eligible for warranty service and the company’s money-back guarantee.

That money-back guarantee is relatively standard — six months — among laser caps, and it should be long enough for you to know whether it's working for you. A 20% restocking fee is associated with returns, but this is also standard for the industry. The warranty is where HairMax falls a little short. Whereas Capillus and LaserCap offer three-year warranties, and Kiierr covers its caps for two years, HairMax only offers 1-year warranties on its laser products.

What causes hair loss?

There are many potential causes for hair loss, but the most common is androgenetic alopecia. This disorder arises when the body converts excess testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the primary culprit in this kind of hair loss, as it interferes with a follicle’s ability to absorb nutrients and grow hair effectively.

Eventually, those follicles begin to shed their strands and go dormant. If a long enough period passes, those follicles will die. The bad news is that this is an inherited disorder; if you’ve got it, you can’t get rid of it. The good news is that you can stop hair loss in its tracks and revive dormant follicles to regrow hair, which is exactly what HairMax aims to do.

There are a few other common causes for hair loss, some of which HairMax products can address, while others may require a different treatment approach.

Telogen effluvium

Telogen effluvium refers to stress-related hair loss — either physiological or psychological stress. It results in the acceleration of hair follicles into the telogen, or resting phase, causing increased shedding. LLLT and similar hair loss treatments can’t do much for telogen effluvium unless you first address underlying stressors, but it can slow or stop hair loss in less severe cases and be a critical component in regrowing hair once you’ve eliminated those stressors.

Alopecia areata

This is an immune system disorder that causes your body’s defense mechanisms to attack its hair follicles. Sometimes it occurs in a localized region of the scalp or elsewhere on the body, but rarer cases of alopecia totalis can cause the entire scalp to lose its hair. Like telogen effluvium, LLLT and other treatments have limited efficacy in treating alopecia areata.

Radiation or chemotherapy-induced alopecia

Because it’s ultimately a result of a physical stressor on the body, hair loss from radiation or chemotherapy is technically a form of telogen effluvium, but it garners its own category for how common it is in cancer patients. Laser therapies and other treatments can’t do much here either, but they can be a big help in regrowing hair once treatment is completed.

Hormonal dysregulation

Hormonal fluctuations can also cause hair loss, associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause in women, and thyroid or other endocrine disorders in both women and men. These disregulations can also be the result of certain nutritional deficiencies, and may only produce mild hair loss, which LLLT and similar treatments may be able to stop.

What is HairMax?

HairMax is a company focusing on helping people grow their hair by stimulating dormant follicles to begin growing hair anew. Hair loss is widespread for both men and women. It starts happening to about 20% of men by the time they reach age 20, while more than half of women will experience noticeable hair loss at some point in their lives.

HairMax’s most popular products are its laser devices, which utilize laser diodes emitting at a specific wavelength to increase circulation to the scalp and stimulate growth.

HairMax Lasercomb

This approach makes HairMax ideal for anyone who’s tried medications in the past to no avail. It also means it’s the best choice for people looking to avoid pharmaceutical intervention. HairMax’s laser technology performs at an efficacy rate nearly identical to minoxidil in numerous studies.

HairMax is also a good choice for addressing baldness caused by other conditions. While medications like finasteride can only address androgenetic alopecia, HairMax devices can potentially address hair loss from chemotherapy or telogen effluvium, also known as stress-related hair loss, so long as a chemo treatment regimen has been completed or the underlying cause of stress has been addressed.

The biggest drawback to laser treatment is the up-front cost. HairMax has some of the least expensive laser treatment options on the market with its LaserCombs and LaserBands, but its caps are as costly or more expensive than many options out there. People on tight budgets who have yet to try things like minoxidil or finasteride to treat pattern hair loss might do better starting there. Regarding male or female pattern hair loss, HairMax is best for those who want to avoid long-term use of medications and anticipate wanting to keep their hair for years. Ultimately, the potential side effects and contraindications for laser treatment are lower than many hair loss medications, making it a more viable long-term solution.

HairMax laser hair regrowth products

HairMax Laserband-82

HairMax has several different products, each with its unique benefits and price. Some products sit atop your head as you go about your day, looking like baseball caps. In others, small teeth separate your hair so that the laser light can most effectively reach your scalp.

Here's a quick breakdown of their costs and capabilities. Note that we've included the last known prices for the PowerFlex 272 and PowerFlex 202. The company is currently upgrading the 272, and it has been unavailable for several months with no price listed. The price below is the last known price for the old 272, but the specs are the updated figures HairMax provided us for the model's impending update. And the 202 is only available through HairMax's Amazon store at this time.

Diode Count
Treatment Time
Treatment Frequency
Powerflex Laser Cap 272
7 minutes
PowerFlex Laser Cap 202
15-30 minutes
LaserBand 41
3 minutes
LaserBand 82
90 seconds
Ultima 9 Lasercomb
11 minutes
Ultima 12 Lasercomb
8 minutes

HairMax company reputation

HairMax currently has no reputation with the Better Business Bureau. It’s not accredited there, and its page has no reviews or complaints. On Trustpilot, we can see a little more information, with the company boasting a 3.9 out of 5 stars from nearly 200 reviews. A significant amount of negative reviews are from customers who admit to only having the products in their possession for a few weeks, which is not enough time to see results.

Negative reviews for HairMax and its competitors often arise from a phenomenon associated with laser treatments and topical minoxidil. Typically, at around the three-week mark, hair loss can accelerate. This is due to the follicles resetting and preparing to grow new, stronger strands. But if you aren’t aware of this phenomenon, it would be easy to panic and think the devices are doing more harm than good. The key is to be patient here, and results will come.

Who is HairMax ideal for?

HairMax is ideal for anyone interested in LLLT as a way to address hair loss who might not think they need a whole laser cap. This is especially true for people who are only experiencing hair loss on a limited part of the scalp and might not need global scalp treatment.

HairMax has a pair of excellent caps, but recent availability issues have made them hard to recommend. On top of that, the company’s bands and combs offer a much lower entry-level price point than the caps, and they boast some of the shortest treatment times in the sector.

HairMax has a decent set of supplemental haircare products and great bundles to go along with its bands and combs, as well. If you know you want to get a set of hair care products to complement your laser treatment, this might be a great place to start.

Who might want to look elsewhere?

All that said, men and women experiencing significant hair loss may do better with a laser cap, and there are caps from other companies that are as effective as or more effective than those from HairMax, some of which come at better prices. The Kiierr 272 Premier is a great example of a model that outshines the HairMax PowerFlex 272 in almost every category but still costs a bit less (at least less than the previously listed price; the product is currently sold out and no price is available).

How does HairMax work?

At the center of the HairMax lineup is a small set of devices employing low-level laser therapy (LLLT), a form of photobiomodulation that has been shown to stop hair loss and regrow hair in multiple studies. Typical results are comparable in timeframe and efficacy to those you might get from topical minoxidil.

LLLT for hair loss utilizes laser diodes that emit light at 655nm, which trials have narrowed down to be the most effective wavelength for follicle stimulation and hair restoration. Other studies have looked at slightly longer wavelengths and have had some success, but none have been as successful as studies at or around 655nm.

Low-level laser therapy

HairMax uses low-level laser therapy to help regrow hair. This technique promotes regrowth in several ways:

  • Helps the cells in your scalp produce more ATP (a source of energy for cells)
  • Balances protein levels, allowing cells to absorb more nutrients
  • Promotes blood circulation in the scalp
  • Helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to follicles
  • Reduces inflammation in follicles

Not only are many customers convinced that it has worked well for them, but clinical studies show promising evidence to back up these success stories. In one double-blind, randomized controlled trial, LLLT helped 35% more men with male pattern baldness regrow hair.

Most satisfied HairMax customers experience positive effects after 4-6 months of use. This puts HairMax on a similar timetable as other hair loss treatment methods.

Is LLLT safe?

LLLT has been used in medicine for decades and is safe for men and women. Specifically for hair loss treatment, LLLT has been determined safe in clinical trials. HairMax’s products are also FDA-cleared, which means that the administration has evaluated devices of distinctly similar make and intention and has deemed those safe for use.

However, if you have unexplained or potentially precancerous lesions on your scalp, you should not use any LLLT device before first consulting with a doctor to diagnose the lesions. And, as with other topical treatments like minoxidil, there is some risk of irritation, including itching, burning, and scaling. If you experience any of these, you should discontinue use and check in with your doctor before resuming a regimen.

HairMax laser caps

HairMax used to offer three laser caps, two that resembled baseball caps and one that looked more like an oblong plastic helmet. One thing that differentiated HairMax from the competition was that its laser caps offered a choice between continuous wave and pulse wave treatments. You could have the lasers shine constantly for a 15-minute session or blink on and off for 30 minutes.

There is competing research saying one form is better than the other, and none of the research comparing the approaches holds enough water for us to make a recommendation one way or the other. But it was nice that HairMax offered the choice, which its competitors do not. But the upgraded PowerFlex 272 is going to be continuous-only, and the Flip 80 appears to have been discontinued. That leaves the PowerFlex 202 as your only option if you want that choice, but it will likely experience a similar upgrade as the 272 did once the company’s manufacturing catches up.

Let’s take a close look at each of HairMax’s laser caps.

PowerFlex 272

This is HairMax's top-of-the-line laser cap, and it's been in limbo for the past several months, pending an upgrade. The previous iteration sold for $1,899, offering 272 laser diodes and a thrice-weekly regimen of 15-30-minute sessions. The new model offers a thrice-weekly regimen of just 7-minute sessions, despite no difference in the power of the devices.

Company reps told us that one of the significant differences is the switch to a more translucent silicone lining that allows a greater degree of energy to pass through, resulting in an increase in joules per square centimeter. Based on what we know about photobiomodulation, this is a reasonable explanation. However, reps could not give us specifics about increases in battery mAh despite a claim that the session numbers would increase. It's possible that the battery has not been upgraded meaningfully, but a decrease in session time increases sessions per charge.

Whatever advancements are coming with the upgraded PowerFlex 272, they will remain a mystery until the company can roll it out successfully. There was a short-lived offer on a limited run of the new caps through Costco back in the summer of 2023, but those sold out quickly and were priced even lower than the PowerFlex 202 (for Costco members only).

For now, customers interested in a laser cap will either have to settle for the older PowerFlex 272 or the PowerFlex 202 through the company’s Amazon store or look to the competition. In our opinion, even without supply chain issues, there are superior caps for less money out there from companies like Kiierr.

PowerFlex 202

This is currently the only laser cap you can purchase from HairMax ($1,599), at least at the time of this writing. And you have to go through the company’s Amazon store to do it; it’s not for sale on the HairMax website. This cap relies on 202 laser diodes and a thrice-weekly regimen of 30-minute sessions to stop hair loss and regrow hair. And 202 laser diodes are enough for many people, though it may take a little longer to see results or results might not be as comprehensive as they’d be with a 272-diode cap.

For $70 less ($1,529), you can get the Capillus PLUS, which we regard as a superior option. It comes with a two-year warranty instead of HairMax’s one-year. It also has the same money-back guarantee of six months, and it uses a daily 6-minute regimen, which is more convenient for people who don’t want to track which days they’ve used a device and which they haven't. And for $1,799, you can get the Capillus PLUS S1, which offers 214 diodes and Bluetooth connectivity to use alongside the company’s app.

Flip 80

The Flip 80 was so named because it packed its 80 laser diodes in one half of the device. You had to take it off, flip it around, and put it back on halfway through treatment to get full scalp coverage. It was moderately priced at $899, but it appears as though the company has discontinued it. Even when the PowerFlex models have been out of stock, their listings have remained live on the site. But the Flip 80 has been removed from the site altogether.


HairMax offers a pair of LaserBands that cover about one-third of the scalp at any given time. Users typically divide their treatment times into thirds and adjust the band as needed. But if you’re only experiencing a receding hairline or thinning at the crown, you might be able to skip some positions and cut down on treatment time.

What makes the LaserBands (and the combs we’ll discuss below) special, is that they have teeth that can separate hair strands and allow laser energy to reach the scalp more thoroughly. That’s one of the reasons that treatment times with bands and combs are shorter than with caps, though people with extremely short or thinning hair, or those who have been shaving their heads since hair loss began, wouldn’t see much benefit from the teeth.

Here’s a look at the two LaserBands from HairMax:

LaserBand 41LaserBand 82
Treatment time per position1 minute30 seconds
Treatment frequency3x/week3x/week

Capillus has developed products designed to compete with these LaserBands, which it calls its FOCAL series. These are laser caps with only 84 diodes concentrated at the crown, temples, or medial axis, allowing you to save a little money and focus treatment on a targeted area. It’s tempting when you see 84 diodes (two more than HairMax’s highest Band) at a $720 price point.

But these caps lack the teeth in the LaserBands, and they can only be used in their intended areas. If you bought a FOCAL cap for a receding hairline and noticed thinning at the crown a year later, you would need to purchase a new device. With the LaserBand, you could just add a 30-second or 1-minute treatment time to your regimen and reposition the band to any new areas of thinning.


HairMax’s LaserCombs are probably the least expensive yet still reliable products on the market if you’re looking to start a laser therapy regimen for as little money as possible. Like the LaserBands, the combs sport teeth that help separate hair strands and let lasers more directly access the scalp.

The tradeoff for the low prices is that you have to hold the comb at the treatment site manually, which can get tiring on the arm over the course of an 8-11-minute session. Treatment times are advertised as being about 11 minutes for the 9-diode model and eight minutes for the 12-diode model, but these vary based on head size. When you hold the comb to your head, it will beep every few seconds, and you move the comb about a half-inch with each beep. People with smaller heads or smaller areas of thinning will have shorter session times.

Here’s a quick look at the LaserCombs from HairMax:

LaserComb 9LaserComb 12
Average treatment time11 minutes8 minutes
Treatment frequency3x/week3x/week

Density Hair Care

HairMax Density is a specific line of products designed to help fight thinning hair. These products use liposomes to deliver ingredients directly to your scalp, which may help with absorption. Density Hair Care could be part of a broader hair loss treatment plan combined with the laser products, as their ingredients likely aren’t powerful enough to be effective on their own.

All products are free of sulfates, parabens, silicone, and gluten. And HairMax does not test any of its products on animals. Most competent laser therapy companies have similar product lineups, but few can make those claims.

Density Haircare shampoo and conditioner

This shampoo and conditioner combination uses a branded combination of botanicals, amino acids, and minerals called NRG8-pLEX. Specifically, this formula contains

  • Saw palmetto
  • Caffeine
  • Apple stem cell
  • Niacinamide
  • Zinc tri-amino acid complex

One of the most important of these ingredients is saw palmetto. You’ll find this botanical in nearly every natural hair loss remedy on the market. It has endured multiple clinical studies in which it effectively reduces DHT. While the other ingredients reduce inflammation and stimulate growth, the saw palmetto is most closely associated with curtailing hair loss. Studies indicate it’s most effective when taken orally rather than topically, though the side effects profile is milder with topical delivery.

It’s also worth noting that both products contain niacinamide. There is evidence that niacinamide can protect follicles from oxidative stress, but this form of vitamin B3 is also found in effective anti-dandruff shampoos. Many hair loss patients deal with dry or flaky scalps, and niacinamide can help reduce that inflammation while removing unwanted fungus from your scalp. That makes for a positive environment in which your hair can grow.

HairMax’s shampoo and conditioner cost $30 each or $55 for the pair. It’s worth noting that the company’s Amazon store sells these products for less (typically around $24 each). However, HairMax doesn’t have a subscription system set up through Amazon, which it does through the HairMax website. That subscription nets you 35% off your first order and 10% off all subsequent shipments.

Competitor Roman’s Restore and Revive shampoo and conditioner present a slightly higher value, especially if you go through that company’s Amazon store, where bottles cost around $10 each and offer similar ingredients to those found in HairMax products. Even with HairMax’s subscription discounts, Roman has a superior price.

RSN8 Pro Scalp Infusion

This serum can help rejuvenate the scalp and hair. It contains similar ingredients as the shampoo and conditioner, including niacinamide and caffeine. All told, it contains 47 oils to help nourish your scalp, and the inclusion of ingredients like niacinamide can help reduce itching and dandruff. However, the formula contains propylene glycol, a known irritant that’s credited with adverse reactions in many topical minoxidil users.

One bottle costs $49.50 on the HairMax site, which is actually less than what the company charges at its Amazon store. And with the opportunity to subscribe, this is a product you would want to get from HairMax directly. One of the closest analogs to this product would be Nutrafol’s Hair Serum, which contains many similar ingredients. But that serum is only available for men alongside the nutritional supplement — not on its own. And the pair costs $141.

ACCELER8 Hair Booster

You can think of this product as a leave-in conditioner. It goes directly onto your scalp after you’ve finished your shower, and you don’t need to rinse it out. It includes the company’s NRG8-pLEX formula, as well as ginseng and apigenin. There is some evidence that ginseng can influence hair follicle stages, though more research is needed. And apigenin has had some success in animal studies looking into potential hair-growth promoters.

Like HairMax’s scalp infusion, this product is a little more expensive on Amazon, where it sells for $55, compared to the $49.50 it costs on the HairMax site (before any subscription discounts). We could not find a comparable product among HairMax’s close competitors.

Supplements and more

HairMax also offers a dietary supplement and other products to help improve your hair health or even disguise your current hair loss. The most compelling among these is the nutritional supplements. Several companies offer something similar, but HairMax has one of the most extensive ingredient lists of the bunch, and the price point is more agreeable than most.

The company used to offer a Hair Fibers product, which was made with keratin fibers and designed to bind to existing hairs in order to hide thinning. Though you may still find a container of that product on Amazon, HairMax seems to have discontinued Hair Fibers. (If you do purchase it on Amazon, just note that the Hair Fibers product does have its limits. Your hair and scalp need to be dry when you apply the fibers, and you’ll likely want to use a light hair spray to help keep everything in place. It’s more advanced than the spray-on hair of television infomercials, but only by so much.)

Hair, Skin, and Nails nutritional supplement

This supplement can help maximize hair growth. It includes a hefty dose of biotin, which may support healthy hair and provide assistance to nails and skin. Here’s a full list of its ingredients:

  • Niacin: 17.5mg
  • Vitamin B: 10mg
  • Folate: 500mcg
  • Biotin: 2,500mcg
  • Pantothenic acid: 3mg
  • Iodine: 5mcg
  • Zinc: 10mg
  • Selenium: 5mcg
  • Manganese: 2mg
  • Saw palmetto extract: 80mg
  • L-Cystine: 150mg
  • DHA Concentrate: 150mg
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM): 300mg
  • Hyaluronic acid: 50mg
  • Citrus bioflavonoids: 25mg
  • Resveratrol 98%: 1mg
  • Inositol: 25mg
  • Plant sterols: 240mg
  • Stinging nettle extract: 60mg
  • He shou wu extract: 50mg

As we mentioned earlier, studies looking into oral saw palmetto have shown real promise at inhibiting DHT, the main culprit behind androgenetic alopecia. A close point of comparison to this product would be Nutrafol's supplement for men, which contains many of these ingredients and more, mostly at higher concentrations, as well. For example, Nutrafol Men has 3,000mcg of biotin to HairMax's 2,500mcg. It also contains over twice as much zinc and 4,000% more selenium. Nutrafol's product is also suitable for vegetarians, whereas HairMax's supplement contains gelatin.

One area where we have to give credit to HairMax over Nutrafol is that a proprietary blend disguises Nutrafol's botanical complex, so we can see what's in it but not how much of each ingredient. Nutrafol also charges more for its supplement, at $80 per bottle compared to $40 for HairMax's product.

Towel and brush

HairMax also offers a branded towel and brush that it argues are better for your hair than other towels or brushes. Theoretically, if your hair is in an especially fragile state, aggressively drying it or brushing it might make matters worse, so an absorbent towel and a well-designed brush might help. But for $19 each, you could probably find comparable products elsewhere for less.

HairMax bundles

You can also order HairMax products in bundles. In years past, we’ve criticized HairMax for offering packages that didn’t save you any money. The company merely made it more convenient to buy multiple products at once. But the company has since reconfigured its packages so that they now offer around $215 in savings for laser device purchasers.

Essentially, you can get either LaserBand or LaserComb from HairMax and add a haircare package that includes every supplemental product HairMax offers.

Some bundles only comprise hair care products, but the savings here are minuscule compared to the bundles you can get with a device. Kiierr is the closest competitor to offer bundles as a primary part of its business, but these come with laser caps, not bands or combs. And Kiierr only has a shampoo, conditioner, and vitamin to offer, whereas HairMax bundles are much more comprehensive.

Shipping rates and times

HairMax has a handful of shipping options for customers inside and outside the U.S. Here’s how they look:

Laser devices:

  • Ground shipping: Free
  • Expedited shipping: $12, two business days
  • Overnight shipping: $29, next day
  • International: $65, 7-10 business days

Hair care and accessories:

  • Domestic: $4.95, 5-7 business days
  • International: $19, 7-10 business days

Most other laser cap companies offer free shipping on their devices, as well as comparably priced expedited options.

HairMax return policy

HairMax offers a 6-month return policy on its LLLT products. This is in line with many other manufacturers, though it is one month less than Kiierr offers. Still, six months should be enough for you to notice whether a device is yielding any results.

Note that there is a restocking fee for all of these products of 20%. This may sound like a lot at first, but this is a standard fee among just about all laser treatment companies. And many of those charge upwards of 25%, making HairMax’s fee a little more reasonable.

We recommend that you mark your calendars after ordering the product of your choice. Use the laser product as directed, understanding that you may not see improvement for several months.

If you don’t notice any improvement after four or five months of using the product as directed, you could assume that you are, unfortunately, one of the people for whom LLLT isn’t effective.

Privacy considerations

HairMax has a pretty standard privacy policy as these companies go. It’ll collect and secure basic information like your name, address, email address, and so on for shipping functions and communication. It doesn’t sell your data, but it does share it and utilize it for advertising purposes.

The site’s privacy policy provides you with a link to opt out of cookie tracking should you desire.

How HairMax stacks up against the competition

We’ve taken a long look at HairMax’s closest competitors, and we’ve compiled all that information in a comprehensive guide to laser caps for hair loss. Here, we’ll take a quick look at HairMax’s two strongest competitors, so you can get an idea of how it stacks up.


We’ve rated Kiierr as the best option for most people in our comprehensive laser cap guide, and it earned that distinction based on its affordable pricing, admirable feature set, and extended battery life. Kiierr also has a 7-month growth guarantee, one month longer than the guarantees from HairMax or Capillus.

Kiierr also offers refurbished laser caps as its supply allows, and these are often in stock. You can get a 272-diode cap for $699, and then take another $130 off that price by taking a one-minute hair loss quiz on the site. Kiierr also provides an elastic headband with its caps that helps keep them in place as you wear them, an inexpensive but useful accessory that neither HairMax nor Capillus offers.


Capillus is the company you would turn to if you wanted as much of a luxury experience as possible in the laser cap space. It offers things other companies don't, like smartphone connectivity and a useful app. It also has some of the most comfortable caps in the business. But that luxury comes at a cost, and while Capillus' prices have come down over the years, they remain some of the highest around. The company's top-of-the-line Capillus PRO S1 costs $3,000.

The middle of Capillus’ lineup is more reasonably priced, with models like the PLUS offering an experience similar to HairMax’s PowerFlex 202 but with a few more diodes, a better warranty, and an identical guarantee. So there are instances in which Capillus is as economical a choice as HairMax, if not more of one. And HairMax’s supply issues make it so its competitors may be superior options based on availability alone.

HairMax FAQ



Innerbody uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

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