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We provide trusted information to help you live healthier and happier.

We're a team of researchers, scientists, and medical professionals who believe there are no decisions more important than those that affect your health or the health of loved ones.

The problem? How difficult it is to make informed choices about health. It takes significant time and experience to avoid missteps when stakes are high, marketplaces are crowded, and the digital realm is cluttered with misinformation. It's so overwhelming that you might even decide to pause or abandon your pursuits.

That isn't how it ought to be. Seeking better health shouldn't be so stressful that the pursuit itself feels detrimental to your health.

If you feel like it's a full-time job to properly explore your health options — separating the worthwhile from the worthless and the great value from the pure hype — that's because it is. It's ours.

Our consumer guides, resource materials, and data-driven studies take weeks or months to create and draw upon years of research, personal experience, and professional practice. We pore over the clinical studies, mine the CDC data, and partner with industry leaders and specialists to deliver trustworthy information that you can use. We demystify complex concepts and detangle the jargon to empower you. We test, analyze, and compare available health products and services — hundreds of them each year.

But what happens when "the best" nutritional supplement in a competitive landscape doesn't meet the high standards you deserve?

We created Innerbody Labs to solve that problem.

As we pursued our mission, we sometimes found ourselves disappointed by the options currently available to consumers, and we grew tired of waiting for others to address the need for better options. So, in 2024, we took action and formed Innerbody Labs, a division of Innerbody Research. Innerbody Labs exists to address those unmet needs and, in the process, create a new standard for nutritional supplements firmly rooted in science, trust, and effectiveness. You can rest assured that the products of Innerbody Labs are built upon transparent formulations that deliver clinically backed ingredients at data-driven doses informed by decades of expertise in health research.

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Innerbody Research, Inc.

3790 El Camino Real

Unit 524

Palo Alto, CA 94306

+1 ‪(650) 206-9535