BlueChew Promo Code

We have a promo code for one FREE month of a prescription ED treatment plan. Learn how to activate the coupon code here.

Last updated: Feb 26th, 2025
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BlueChew promo code

Photo by Innerbody Research

If you're reading this page, it means you've heard of BlueChew and want to access the best deal.

You've come to the right place. We have an exclusive BlueChew promo code that lets you try one month of prescription ED meds for FREE. Yes, you read that correctly. Not many things are free and effective, but the medications available at BlueChew are safe and effective for many men with ED, and this promo code lets you try them for free.

To have that promo code automatically applied to your BlueChew order, simply use this button (or any link on this page):

This BlueChew coupon code is guaranteed to be applied and work as long as you visit BlueChew using that link or any link on this page. We've been able to offer this coupon to our readers for a couple of years now, and every month, hundreds of people take advantage of the opportunity to get a free ED medication sample in their pursuit of a treatment that works for them. Over 9,100 people used this promo code in 2024.

How the BlueChew promo code works

BlueChew offers several prescription ED medications and several different monthly subscription plans based on the quantity you think you'll want. This coupon code works for any of BlueChew's medications, which are chewable forms of:

  • Sildenafil
  • Tadalafil
  • Vardenafil

Our promo code can get you a free month's sample of ED medication, but that's not the only way you can use it. In terms of the size of the plan, you have a couple options.

Free medication

What the promo code gets you for free is one month of the Active plan. This means you can get six 30mg doses of sildenafil for no cost (except the shipping fee of $5). If you opt for tadalafil, there are four 6mg doses of tadalafil in the Active plan. (Each tadalafil dose lasts 18-36 hours.) Alternately, if vardenafil is what you want to try, you'd get four 8mg doses of vardenafil.

$25 discount on a larger amount

If you want more medication than what this promo code provides free of charge in BlueChew's Active plan, you have another option to consider: you can instead use the same coupon code to take $25 off any plan of your choice. For instance, trying one month of the "Busy" plan — which could be ten doses of sildenafil or seven doses of tadalafil — would only cost $10.

For those who've never tried these medications, we think your best way to use this BlueChew promo code is to choose the Active plan, which is free; if the treatment works for you, it's very easy to change your plan to a larger amount (if desired) on the BlueChew website after that first month.

This deal is unsurpassed online. We haven't found a better deal for our readers, and believe us, we have spent many, many hours looking and trying.

In order to activate the coupon code, you need to visit BlueChew using any link on our website. When you use any link or button on this page, the coupon code will be applied instantly. Then, all you have to do is complete your visit on BlueChew and sign up for treatment — the code will be applied, enabling you to try the ED medication for free.

You can use the button below to activate and use the BlueChew promo code for your discount.

The chief reason behind the sustainability of this promo code is that the treatments it provides via BlueChew are highly effective and safe for most men. This makes it a win-win for you and BlueChew; BlueChew lets you try a treatment for free because the company recognizes that you're likely to experience dramatic success and want to continue with a subscription. (They expect to gain many happy customers.) Making the ongoing subscription plans affordable no doubt helps the company retain members as well when the month-long promo ends; pricing is an area where we've found BlueChew to excel compared to its competition — especially when it comes to sildenafil (the active medication in Viagra).

Undoubtedly, most of the nearly 900 men who used this BlueChew promo code to start treatment last month discovered a convenient medication that solves their problems. But it's important to point out that these drugs aren't suitable or successful for all men with ED. Some of those men last month learned that the prescription meds aren't a good fit for them. It could be that they experience an annoying side effect that they don't want to tolerate, or maybe the medication is just not effective. Even if a doctor concludes that you're a safe candidate for using them, they may not work for you.

This is what makes the coupon code such a valuable tool. The beauty of it is that you get an opportunity to try the ED meds at zero cost upfront. You can get a free trial of a prescription ED treatment — one that ample clinical research demonstrates to be widely effective — for nothing except a $5 shipping fee.

Is the BlueChew promo code guaranteed to work?

Yes, it works — as long as you visit BlueChew using a link on this page, the code will be automatically applied to your session, and you'll be able to enjoy the big discount it provides. As long as this page is live, the BlueChew promo code is active.

We can't envision it ever happening, but if you ever do experience an issue using this code, please let us know at

How medications arrive if you use the BlueChew coupon code

If you take advantage of this coupon code, you may be wondering how the medications arrive at your door. Since nobody really likes surprises — especially bad ones, like learning that your neighbors know all about your sexual health — we periodically test BlueChew's services. We value companies that provide highly discreet service that respects your privacy. Here's a short video to show you exactly what you can expect from your BlueChew shipment:

Youtube Video

A closer look at the ED treatments this BlueChew promo code unlocks

BlueChew's unique chewable treatments contain one of three different prescription ED medications:

  • Sildenafil — the active ingredient in Viagra
  • Tadalafil — the active ingredient in Cialis
  • Vardenafil — the active ingredient in Levitra

All three of these medications are rigorously studied, and those studies demonstrate their effectiveness and safety. They all belong to a class of drugs called PDE5 inhibitors.

What are PDE5 inhibitors?

PDE5 and nitric oxide are both substances that are circulated within our bodies. Nitric oxide causes vasodilation and release of certain hormones, and an increase of nitric oxide allows an erection to occur thanks to increased blood flow into the penis. PDE5, meanwhile, is a chemical that the body releases to signal that nitric oxide should be reduced, causing blood flow to return to normal and ending an erection.

As the name suggests, PDE5 inhibitors like sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil basically slow the release of PDE5. This allows erections to continue.

If you use this BlueChew coupon code, a BlueChew-affiliated medical professional will determine whether you're a suitable candidate for the medication that seems like the best fit for you. Based on their advice and judgment, you'll be able to try one of these medications for free.

These ED medications aren't designed to cause an erection unbidden; in other words, regular stimulation is required to achieve an erection, just as it would be for an adult male who doesn't have ED. And the medications remain active in your system for different amounts of time:

  • Sildenafil and vardenafil are active for about 4-6 hours.
  • Tadalafil is active for about 18-36 hours.

With sildenafil and vardenafil, you take a dose as needed (in other words, a short period of time before you expect sexual activity). Tadalafil gives you a bit more leeway; because it stays active so much longer in your body, you could take it at any time on a day when you anticipate sex.

Are the treatments available with the BlueChew promo code safe?

BlueChew's medications are generally quite safe for most men. Side effects tend to be mild and may include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Blushing
  • Muscle soreness
  • Indigestion or nausea

Specific side effects don’t seem to be equally likely with each medication, either. For instance, tadalafil users are a bit likelier to experience muscle discomfort, while sildenafil users may be more likely to experience headaches.

Some men with underlying health conditions (mainly conditions affecting the heart, kidneys, or liver) or men on certain prescription medications (such as nitrates and blood pressure medications) may not be able to safely use these ED treatments. When you use the promo code, BlueChew's affiliated medical professionals will determine if you're a suitable candidate for a prescription. If you are, then all research indicates you have a very good chance of experiencing an effective treatment for ED.

About BlueChew, as a company

We have an entire review dedicated to BlueChew itself if you're still wondering whether BlueChew is the right company to partner with on your ED journey. We've also got an in-depth guide to ED treatments, which compares all of the major online providers of ED medication delivered to your door and explores alternative paths for those who aren't suitable candidates to use prescription ED meds.

But assuming you're pressed for time, we'll save you the jump and tell you here that BlueChew continues to be our most recommended provider of ED medication online. BlueChew’s promo code makes it uniquely useful for people who are hoping to try a medication for the first time. (If our recommendations for ED medication access change, we'll be sure to say so here.)

We're confident that there is no better way to try one of these medications than by using our coupon code. If you've been wondering if prescription treatment is right for you, now is a great time — and BlueChew a great place — to find your answer.

What is BlueChew's reputation?

Telemedicine is still a relatively new phenomenon in our society, so it's natural and quite important to make sure the company you're considering is reputable. In the case of BlueChew, the answer is yes. We've been recommending them for years now, and they consistently garner high reviews from customers we've interviewed. The company has been in business for over eight years and has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. This is the same rating as competitor Hims, to put that in perspective.

FAQ about BlueChew and the promo code

Does BlueChew work?

Yes, BlueChew medications definitely work, but it's important to note that no prescription ED medication will work for all men with ED. (This is precisely why a promo code to try treatment before making a financial commitment is so valuable.) Sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil all have been carefully and extensively researched and have track records demonstrating effectiveness. Sildenafil has been studied the longest as an effective ED drug, but studies focused on each of these three treatments demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of the medications for the majority of men with ED.

What does the BlueChew promo code do?

The promo code from BlueChew gives you one free month of the company's Active Plan (prescription erectile dysfunction medication in the form of sildenafil, tadalafil, or vardenafil) or $25 off any other membership plan for larger amounts of medication per month.

Is there any other BlueChew coupon code?

There may be other coupon codes and discounts, but none of them provide a larger discount.

How do I use the BlueChew promo code?

To use the promo code, you must visit BlueChew from any link on this page. That guarantees that this coupon code is applied properly. For instance, you can use this BlueChew link. It will take you to the BlueChew website, where the promo code is automatically applied to give you your discount. The code itself may change, but the deal that the code unlocks for you is consistent with what's described on this page.

Is it hard to cancel BlueChew?

BlueChew's service is relatively easy and straightforward to cancel. All you have to do is log in on the BlueChew website and navigate to the "Membership" tab. Find the section that describes your account status, and click the link to put your account on hold. If you do this, you won't be billed moving forward; your account will be deactivated. (And contrary to some negative reviews from users on Trustpilot or BBB, our years of testing the service have shown us that it's also easy to work with BlueChew's customer service if you experience a problem.)

Is BlueChew overpriced?

BlueChew is an affordable option for prescription ED treatment. In our experience, BlueChew is consistently among your most affordable, trustworthy options for accessing ED medication online. Compared to Hims and Roman, you can save money most significantly on sildenafil, but you also can save money on tadalafil using BlueChew.

How much does BlueChew cost per month?

The cost of BlueChew depends on the plan tier you choose and the strength of medication you need. Plans start at $25 per month, though you can try one month for free using our BlueChew promo code. The largest monthly plans (which deliver the most doses per month and the strongest dosage) cost $125. (Our coupon code would reduce that price to $100.)



Innerbody uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Hatzimouratidis, K. (2006). Sildenafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: an overview of the clinical evidence. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 1(4), 403-414.

  2. Coward, R. M., & Carson, C. C. (2008). Tadalafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, 4(6), 1315-1330.

  3. Morales, A. M., Mirone, V., Dean, J., & Costa, P. (2008). Vardenafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction: an overview of the clinical evidence. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 4, 463-472.

  4. Kloner, R.A., Goggin, P., Goldstein, I., Hackett, G., Kirby, M.G., Osterloh, I., Parker, J.D., Sadovsky, R. (2018, May 18). A New Perspective on the Nitrate–Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitor Interaction. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

  5. Frajese, G. V., Pozzi, F., & Frajese, G. (2006). Tadalafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction; an overview of the clinical evidence. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 1(4), 439-449.

  6. Morales, A., Gingell, C., Collins, M., Wicker, P.A., Osterloh, I.H. (1998). Clinical safety of oral sildenafil citrate (VIAGRA) in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. International Journal of Impotence Research, 10, 69–730.