Blood Supply to the Stomach and Pancreas

Last updated: Mar 8th, 2025
Blood Supply to the Stomach and Pancreas
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The greater curvature of the stomach receives its blood supply from the left gastroepiploic artery along its top edge and from the right gastroepiploic artery along its lower edge. The upper portion of the greater curvature of the stomach, along with the fundus, receives blood from the short gastric artery. The lesser curvature of the stomach receives its blood supply from the left gastric artery (this also supplies the cardiac region) and the right gastric artery.

The pancreas receives its blood supply from a few different sources: the head of the pancreas (the portion which is within the duodenum's concavity) is supplied by the superior mesenteric artery and the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, both of which are located in the groove between the duodenum and the pancreas. The tail, body, and the neck of the pancreas receive their blood supply from the splenic artery's pancreatic branches. The largest of the pancreatic branches is the arteria pancreatica magna.